1. What year is Michael Angelo born?
a. 1375 b. 1475 c. 1575 d. 1675

2. What was the name of the young rival who struck Micahel Angelo in the face with a mallet?
a. Torregiano b. da Vinci c. Antonio d. Ghirlandajo

3. Which Pope compelled Michael Angelo to undertake the fresco decoration of the Sistine chapel?
a. Leo X b. Alexander I c. Alexander II d. Julius II

4. At the age of 13, Micahel Angelo was apprenticed to which respected painter?
a. Giotto b. Ghirlandajo c. Poliziano d. Ficino

5. What sculpture did Michael Angelo for the tomb of Pope Juluis II?
a. David b. Moses c. Abraham d. Madonna

6. Although Michael Angelo never married, he had a "special relationship " to whom?
a. Elenora Duse b. Isabella Rossetti c. Vitoria Colonna d. Beatrice Portinari

7. What was on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel before Michael Angelo began painting?
a. nothing b. fresco of cloudy sky c. fresco of starry sky d. draperies

8. What is the significant about the serpent from the story of the Fall of Man as Michael Angelo depicted it in the Sistine Chapel?
a. It has wings b. It has legs c. It has two heads d. It is female

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. D
8. C

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