7 Bad Habits Your Child Can Adopt From You

It is a big responsibility as an adult if you have a kid in your house. You are the role model to them and a mentor. What ever you do and what ever you say will also be right to the eyes of the kids. Check out 7 habits your child can adopt from you. 

Bad Habit # 1: Criticizing Yourself 
Criticizing the way you look sends the message that self-esteem should be based on how your jeans fit or how much you weigh. Kids -- especially girls -- can be influenced by what they hear their mothers say. It can make them not like what they see in the mirror -- leading to a lifetime of self-esteem issues and poor body image. Both can push her toward unhealthy habits like yo-yo dieting or increase her risk of dangerous eating disorders. 

Bad Habit # 2: Emotional Eating 
If you use food to feel better when you're sad or disappointed, you could be passing on unhealthy messages to your kids. You're showing them that food is the way to feel good about yourself. Instead, work on other ways to get an emotional boost when you're low. Let them see you talking to friends or going for a walk to feel better. They'll pick up on healthy and unhealthy habits alike. 

Bad Habit # 3: Too Much Texting, Emailing, Talking 
It's not fair to tell the kids not to text at the dinner table if you're there on your phone. What you do sends a stronger message than what you say. Set family rules about electronics and everyone, including parents, needs to stick to them. Kids who spend too much time in front of screens often have problems with sleepiness, school performance, and weight issues. But kids who eat dinner with the family have a lower risk of obesity.

Bad Habit # 4: Emphasizing the Superficial and Material 
Most little girls play dress-up. But experts say be careful about making pedi parties more important than other quality time. Use "girl time" to make healthy habits attractive -- go for walks, teach her a sport. She'll learn that she can be strong, powerful, and a girl. Plus, she'll see that being active is a great stress reliever. Also be sure to tell her she's smart or kind as often as you compliment her beauty.

Bad Habit # 5: Drinking to Perk Up or Feel Better 
If you come home after a bad day at work and say, "I need a drink," you show your child that alcohol is a good way to relieve stress and feel better about yourself. The same goes for relying on tons of coffee for energy. Instead, find healthier ways to get stress relief or get energized. Try exercise, meditation, or a relaxing hobby and get the whole family involved. Those are all are good ways to relax or recharge.

Bad Habit # 6: Making Everything a Competition 
Pointing out to your child that other kids (neighbors, classmates, siblings) are more athletic is rarely a good motivator. Instead, try positive reinforcement. Praise him for doing his best. Help him focus on the fun of being outside or competing against himself and seeing improvements. You can also offer to help find an activity he's passionate about and help him practice. Talk about how you need to move every day and how it makes you feel good.

Bad Habit # 7: Always Bickering, Arguing 
If you and your spouse constantly snipe at each other, your kids are learning that it's OK to act that way. Stress is often a trigger for arguments. Handling your stress well? If not, try researching some stress management techniques. Arguing may make you feel better at first but worse later. Plus, stress from arguments has a negative effect on kids. Negative stress has been shown to increase the risk of obesity. 

Source: yahoo news 

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